On The Way to Smile

It sucks you know, when you can't do shit whit your own problem. Silently, my hole keep getting bigger and bigger. Pulling and tearing me apart. Make my feet won't work any longer. Then suddenly i just forgot how to become a "normal" again. And right know, im in the state of "i dont't know what should i do in my life".

My life always been like that. 

Being a human really does have a lot of complexity in many part. But i divide it into two sides. One side is the human emotion, and the other one is what really they truly want. Mostly the "second side" of human is what they called the dark side. No matter what happens, humans always kept those hidden, and never tell it until they reach the edge.

Don't tell me that you haven't these part in yours, because we're all human after all.

One thing for sure, the road always have an end. It just a matter of time when you're gonna reach your limit. Until then, if things won't work as your thoughts so, then you've got an answer. 

Either moving forward and always keep yourself together or let them lost in your unknown territory and it will haunting you down in near future.

Because this is what would we get when we let our heart wins right? 

And now,  i reap what i sow.
